
Giving your devoted companion a great quality of life with specialist orthopedic therapy.

Orthopedics focuses on the health of your pet’s musculoskeletal system. We treat diseases, abnormalities and discomforts along their joints, bones, ligaments and skeletal structure. Some of these conditions develop due to genetics or weight gain, others occur following an injury. If they’ve broken a bone or torn a ligament, they will be moving awkwardly. In some cases, they’ll avoid moving entirely. If you suspect your pet is having orthopedic issues, contact us at 250-598-4477 to book an appointment.

How can you tell my pet has an orthopedic condition?

The first sign your pet may have an orthopedic problem is if they’re limping, are resistant to play or become aggressive when touched in certain areas. Pain can be an indication of many kinds of medical conditions. However, to diagnose your pet we conduct a thorough physical examination to determine the source of their discomfort and an X-ray is done to give us a peek inside their body. X-rays are powerful diagnostic tools that help us search for odd growths and deformities on their bones and joints.

What kind of orthopedic conditions can my pet have?

Common orthopedic conditions can be found in your pet’s knees, hips and elbows. Cruciate ligament tears are debilitating ruptures in their knees. Energetic pets tend to have minor incidents where their kneecaps slip out. This is called luxating patella or floating kneecaps and can usually be self-corrected. Hip and elbow dysplasia are abnormalities that form in these respective joints. Many people are familiar with arthritis but another disease that could plague your pet’s skeletal system includes osteochondritis. This disorder impacts their bones and leads to defects forming along their skeletal system.

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